My Skeletonized Portrait
for violin solo and large orchestra
Violin solo| 3[3pic]3[3ca]3[3bcl]3[3cbn] 4231/T/3perc/hp/cel/str
Duration: 12’
Year of composition: 2011
Premiere: Duccio Ceccanti, violin; Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna conducted by José Ramon Encinar, 2 Agosto Festival, Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, Italy, August 2, 2012
Third Prize in the ‘2 Agosta’ Composition Competition, Italy
This 12-minute composition is inspired by a pair of self-portraits by Belgian artist James Ensor under the same title. One version of these etchings is depicted in a true likeness of Ensor, while the other is a ‘skeletonized’ version, with a subtle transformation of his face into a skull. It is much like a death mask, while he remains dressed in a suit, eerily poised next to a window. Thus, this theme of transformation from one state to the next, from the real to the surreal, the ordinary to the grotesque is reflected in the music. The orchestral introduction demonstrates this process of transformation: the first violins play the initial phrase of a melody in the style of Tchaikovsky, but soon spiral into an abyss of celesta, harp and string harmonics. This process is then applied to the large form. After the violin solo expands the initial phrase, the mood changes into a grotesque dance entitled, "Entry of the Masked Skeletons". Finally, a cadenza-like section subtitled, "My Schizoid Portrait" culminates in a grand and slow postlude.
My Skeletonized Portrait won Third Prize in the ‘2 Agosta’ composition competition.
The first performance took place on August 2, 2012.

"Il terzo premio è andato ad Edward Top. Olandese di nascita, specializzatosi al King’s College di Londra, attualmente compositore in residenza presso l’Orchestra di Vancouver, Top è tra le figure più originali del panorama compositivo internazionale, nelle sue opere spesso cercando peraltro suggestioni che arrivano da un lato dal mondo della filosofia, dall’altro da quello della pittura. Anche questa sua nuova partitura per violino e orchestra fa chiaramente riferimento alle opere del pittore James Ensor, fin dal titolo, 'My Skelotonized Portatit', che rimanda ad alcune sue celebri tele." Iperbole, la rete civica di Bologna, August 1, 2012
"The Third Prize has been awarded to Edward Top. Born in the Netherlands, he studied in London at the King’s College. He is now resident composer of the Vancouver Orchestra. Edward Top is among one of the most original characters of the composition international scene. In his works he often quotes philosophical and painting elements. His new score My Skeletonised Portrait, for violin and orchestra is a clear reference to the painter James Ensor." Iperbole, la rete civica di Bologna, August 1, 2012
“A piece with an exuberant fantasy.... brilliant scoring....its 'oldfashioned' qualities carry the expression.” John Borstlap